loading the Christian Church Sunday Excursion August 28, 1908 (year is somewhat obscured)
News stories about the Cowling:
Taken from The Massac Journal-Republican:Volune 51-No. (Section 2) (Pages 9-16)
The Illustrated Industrial Edition
Thursday, August, 10, 1916
The Steamer George Cowling, a Metropolis owned boat, is one of the most popular on the Ohio. Capt. E.J. Cowling is owner and Captain of the boat. John Brady is clerk and Mr. Berryman is the pilot and Chas. Dassing, engineer. All of whom live in Metropolis, These gentlemen are courteous and attentive to all duties, hence the Cowling does a splendid business and is one of the most reliable boats on the western waters. The Cowling makes two round trips to Paducah daily, leaving Metropolis at 7:45 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., leaving Paducah at 11: a.m. and 4:30 p.m. This schedule is conveniently arranged for those making quick trips to Paducah and return.The Paducah Evening Sun
Mr. E.J. Cowling is closely affiliated and identified with the leading interests of Metropolis and is Vice-President of the First National Bank. He is one of our most progressive citizens and delights in the growth and prosperity of this city. The Jouranl-Republican is pleased to have him and his popular boat represented in the big Industrial edition of this paper.
Thursday June 24 (1909?)
The steamer George Cowling will make three trips between Paducah, Brookport and Metropolis next Sunday, June 20, leaving Paducah at 9:30 am, 2 pm, and 6 pm. Returning will leave Metropolis at 1 pm, and 5 pm. Round trip 25 cents. White people only. For a pleasant afternoon's outing, take the two o'clock boat.
Other pictures of the Cowling from the web:
Edgar Hayes "The Cowling" 1975 (location: Metropolis Public Library)
Steamer George Cowling, Sternwheeler, built in 1904 sank in 1921, raised and renamed the Alton (location Metropolis Public Library)
The George H. Cowling 88 ton sternwheeler, built 1896 in Metropolis, IL (location Metropolis Public Library)
I was loaned a very unusual artifact today! I was handed a bill from the George Cowling for 1/2 doz #10 Flags and get the canceled check that was used to pay the bill written on City National Bank on 11/7/1908